Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sorry its been a while. Good bye to Begonia.

10 August marked the end of a traumatic era for Celia and I.

4 1/2 years ago, in need of urgent relocation due to a questionable situation with a former co-worker, we moved to Begonia Blvd in Fairfield.  It was cheap and something I felt would be short term; I thought work would either improve or end and I'd have an opportunity or be forced to adjust.  Neither came to pass quickly enough.
Begonia... sucked. Sure, there were some good times. I met some great neighbors.  I rescued and nursed two day old kittens (and later rescued Mom).

But the hits... just kept on coming.

Shortly after moving in, I was stricken with a serious neck injury.  It resulted in a multi level cervical spine fusion, and continues to define my life years later.  I live in near constant pain.  I never know when I get up in the morning how I'll feel.  It sucks.

Shortly after surgery for that, a close friend and his wife got a divorce over infidelity.  He was the anchor of our post-Marcus racing efforts and that... basically put an end to Racing for me. Getting back to the track was a real motivator for me healing from surgery.  They were an inspiration.

Having barely recovered from that, we abruptly lost my dad to brain cancer.  That... we were not ready for.

Four months later, we had probably the defining Begonia event... the shooting on Orchid which resulted in a 15 year old kid bleeding through my yard with his sawed off shotgun, then trying to get in my garage.  I'll never forget looking out the window and seeing him walking through my hard.  Nor having the police knock on my door at 1:15am and tell me my yard is clear but I can't go outside because its a crime scene.  Nor having to clean up the blood...

That summer, my house was part of an evacuation zone due to a brush fire that burned half a dozen homes at the end of the street, caused by a discarded cigarette from a passing car.  I was stuck at work, unable to get home and rescue the cats.

... later that fall my 18 year old cat died of heart failure.  That really hurt, on top of losing dad.

And at the end of that year, I decided to leave the company I'd been with for 12+ years.  I had high hopes of it, being we were all friends - but it had become ground hog day for me, and I needed a change.

Mixed into all that were guys in the yard periodically, people trying to break into the car, punched out screens, picked locks, other shootings all round the neighborhood as well as violent home invasions and a drug lab explosion.

I will miss the stray cats I was feeding (including my kitten's father).  I'll miss my old neighbors. I'll miss the rose bushes and the peach trees. I'll miss the cheap rent.  I won't miss the rest of it.

Hasta luego, Begonia.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Finding Axxis/PBR Brake Pads

I am a loyal PBR/Axxis user going back 15 years.  I am saddened to find they are not available.  I love their performance for the dust level.

I need rears and might as well buy fronts while I'm here.

I was just about sold on the Akebono, but wanted to give the PBR/Axxis one more bit of effort.
I found some PBR and ordered them, I'm waiting to get them in to see.

Here's my research

The Axxis website http://www.axxisbrakes.com/wheretobuy.html

Lists the MFR/Contact as
FMP North America
Louis Luera
Marketing Manager
Makers of Axxis & PBR Brand Friction
3529 Cannon Road Suite 2B #515
Oceanside, CA. 92065

Since Axxis are no longer available, I looked up PBR
(those of you around a while will remember these used to be bought as PBR, the Axxis name came later. They weren't called ultimates - can't remember what they were.)

I found the PBR Website http://www.pbrbrakes.com/contact.html

Which lists Louis and the same contact info
Louis Luera
Marketing Manager - North America
FMP Group (Australia / Malaysia / Thailand) Pty. Ltd.
Makers of OEM, Bendix, PBR, Axxis and Private Brand Friction Programs

North American Office
Phone: 760.295.6034
Cell: 619.204.7146
Email:    bmna@msn.com

And also lists them as being available at Napa. (link above)

And sure enough, they're listed on the Website

The names don't line up - no MM or ULT, but the descriptions are similiar to what I remember.  These are for a 2002 BMW 540, other models/years will vary, of course

Rear Metallic

Front Metallic

Rear Ceramic

Front Ceramic

You have to be careful on the website, Altrom (importer) also imports Textar, Pagid, Akebono and their own brand- so you have to look for PBR Brand. There's a line called "important information" that lists the brand.

Hopefully these are the right animals and I'll be good with PBR/Axxis for a few more years.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Changing the size of a VDI file for a VirtualBox VM


Really I'm just posting this so I don't forget, but in case anyone else needs this.

On Linux/Ubuntu, you run this command line argument and it does it.

sudo VBoxManage modifyhd /home/scott/VirtualBox\ VMs/Win7/Win7.vdi --resize 61440

(I was resizing to 60gb from 40gb)

The used space remains the same (assuming you have it set to grow dynamically) but the available space is bigger.

As the article mentions, you will need to resize your partition inside the Host OS.

Make sure you backup your VDI file before you do it!

And don't be surprised if first boot after resize takes a while.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Artists who's Entire Catalog I celebrate

I was thinking today about the musical artists who's entire catalog I celebrate.  Those where you can throw ANY song from an album or concert on and never hit the "next" button.

In no particular order -

Metallica (up to the Black album, at least)
New Order
Depeche Mode
Pearl Jam
Breaking Benjamin
Evans Blue
Sara Evans
Garth Brooks
Tim McGraw
Pink Floyd
Peter Gabriel
Frank Sinatra

There are more that need to be added.  Those are just things that I've thought of off the top of my head.

These tend to be things I just throw on when I'm in the car cruising along.  Some, of course, better than others due to the tempo/tone of the music (a lot of Frank or Pink Floyd will put you to sleep - bad on the interstate at 2am!)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Social Media is predominantly just the modern incarnation of the Tabloid.

Social Media is predominantly just the modern incarnation of the Tabloid.  Yep.  I said it.

Yes, I know businesses and athletes and stars and even the average joe is trying to use Pinterest/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Reddit and the like to connect with friends, share stories and post the latest cat video (Va-kume can eat and yell at the same time, in case you missed it).

But what do we all think of Social Media as famous for?  Spreading "news" about some celebrity.  The more salacious the news, or the more famous the celebrity (and mostly some combination of above) the greater it spreads.

Today's piece that made me think about it is Tony Stewart.  The consensus on Twitter, Reddit and Facebook is that he intentionally ran over and killed a competitor.

Statements like "you don't see 7 police at a race track for an accident" are totally unqualified.  I've been at the track for deaths.  You get police cars at the track for people who die from heart attacks in the paddock.  Its just how it is.

Yes he hit the competitor.  Yes the competitor was killed.  He didn't run him over on purpose.  If you watch the video and know about racing and human behavior, what happened was a tragic accident.  The other driver should not have been running TOWARDS other cars on track, dressed in all black on a dark track.

Human tenancies are to steer towards what you are looking at.  Stewart was behind another car.  You're driving around and see motion out of the corner of your eye and you're head and hands are drawn towards it.

Dangerous, Dangerous thing.

But on Social Media, instead of lamenting the loss of life and using it as a teaching moment for the victim's mistakes, we're criminalizing an accident and  someone and rounding up a lynch mob.

Which is what the tabloids of the 60's and 70's did.  Take a celebrity and an event and turn it into a story when it wasn't.  Because that's what sold.  Headlines about drunken accidents and affairs sold!  If you told the truth... you'd go out of business.

You simply can't believe everything you read on social media.  Don't allow yourself to be whipped into a frenzy because "sex sells".  Review the facts (not others opinions) for yourself and seek out KNOWLEDGEABLE sources for your information.  

Friday, August 8, 2014

Walmart as your Primary Care Doctor

I've always thought of Kaiser as the Walmart of Healthcare.  In my experience, they do just enough to keep you alive and out of the office with minimal effort to actually cure you (from personal experience as well as the first hand experiences of several friends).

But now Walmart wants to do their own healthcare.


On one hand... its great that they can reach people who are otherwise unserved/underserved.  On the other hand... do I want healthcare from someone famous for selling cheap foreign made products and providing low, low income jobs?

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I also wonder if Walmart's own employees make enough to be able to afford Walmart Heathcare?

Where nearly 20% of GDP is spent on healthcare, it makes sense that Walmart would want in on that cheddar.

Did you REALLY think that $5 logo was going to be awesome and original?

The rise of creative marketplaces where you can solicit design/creative work for as little as $5 seems... appealing for small projects, startups and sole proprietierships.

But you should really think about what you get for such a small dollar amount.

Quality identity pieces (logo, cards, letterheads, name tags, banners, etc) take time.  Even the simplest might take a couple days.  Someone has to get to know you, you're market, your culture, your target audience and weave all that into something you can proudly display, stand under, attract talent to, etc.

Its your BRAND.  Its YOU!

Would you really think someone could do any kind of justice producing those for you for $5? or even $100?  What's a couple days of your life worth?  I bet its more than $100.

That's why good branding campaigns cost $5000, $10,000 even $100,000

Not $5.

Anyway, here's a great article I saw on Hacker News which goes into it in-depth.


Suffice to say, you get what you pay for.  If you paid $5 you should expect low quality or forgery.